At the end of a long, tiring day, we may choose to treat ourselves to a soothing bubble bath. Surrounded by steaming water and a froth of sweet-smelling bubbles, it’s easy to forget the cares of everyday life. This fact is equally true of economic bubbles.
Complain But Remain
All countries have a “shelf-life” of sorts. Generally, they begin when an old, top-heavy government collapses from its own weight. The end of the old regime is characterized by civil unrest, revolution, secession, economic collapse or some combination of these conditions.
Is the Gold/Silver Ratio Headed to 100? Three Questions to Answer.
The gold/silver ratio keeps climbing. And climbing and climbing. When is this darn thing going to reverse and see silver finally outperform gold?
The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 31st, 2019
Escalating trade disputes between the U.S. and other nations of the world remain the primary driver for market volatility.
Should Gold Investors Root for Deflation?
One of gold’s biggest catalysts throughout history has been inflation. Debase your currency enough and gold responds almost automatically. And the bigger the inflation, the bigger gold’s response. Even the fear of inflation ignites the gold price, like we saw from 2009 to 2011.