The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 31st, 2024.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 31st, 2024

Gold and silver prices are higher, with silver sharply up, in early U.S. trading Tuesday. Bullish daily outside-market forces are working in favor of the bulls to start the trading week.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 24th, 2024.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 24th, 2024

1. After a relatively slow start in the first quarter, silver is making its move, significantly outpacing gold as it trades at an 11-year high. Just ahead of last weekend, silver prices have broken above $30 an ounce. Soaring silver prices have pushed the gold-silver ratio below 80 points, and it has been trading at…

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 17th, 2024.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 17th, 2024

Gold’s record-setting rally may have captured the headlines this year, but it’s silver that’s running harder and faster as the precious metal benefits from robust financial and industrial demand.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 10th, 2024.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 10th, 2024

High inflation and a disappointing report on economic growth, followed by a sudden drop in stocks late last month made for a familiar economic combination.