An outbreak of violence in Sri Lanka rattled markets this week as terror attacks during the Easter Weekend ripped through three churches and four luxury hotels, killing at least 290 and wounding nearly 500 more.
Modern Monetary Theory: Economic absurdism enters the mainstream
After the Trump election victory, traditional, conventional politics and politicians have largely fallen out of favor. Middle-of-the-road ideas, proposals crossing party lines and common-ground platforms that once played a prominent role in many campaign playbooks have been replaced with a very different type of strategy.
Shipping Gold Into Other Countries: How Does It Work
“How do I get it there?” is a question I’m often asked by clients who wish to move their gold or silver from their homes into a foreign country. Usually, their intention is to move it to an offshore depository for long-term storage.
Should Gold Investors Root for Deflation?
One of gold’s biggest catalysts throughout history has been inflation. Debase your currency enough and gold responds almost automatically. And the bigger the inflation, the bigger gold’s response. Even the fear of inflation ignites the gold price, like we saw from 2009 to 2011.
Becoming a Hindu
For centuries, East Indians have regarded gold as the primary source of wealth. All Indians own gold if they can afford to. They keep it as close as possible, sometimes in coin form, but often as jewellery, since “wearing wealth” means that it can be kept very close. They’re often especially reluctant to trust banks to hold their gold.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – April 19th, 2019
This week and next will be shortened holiday weeks due to the timing of religious holidays this year. With the release of the Mueller report, which found no collusion with Russia and no obstruction of justice on the part of President Trump during the 2016 Elections, American politics is likely to explode into chaos in the near term. The Democratic Party is almost certainly going to redouble their efforts to block President Trump’s legislative agenda at every turn now that the basis of their calls for impeachment has been essentially eliminated.
Diocletian in Venezuela
By Jeff Thomas, Feature Writer for Doug Casey’s International Man and Strategic Wealth Preservation History has an extraordinary tendency to repeat itself time and again. The same mistakes that rulers make in one era are repeated in subsequent eras. Political leaders have a nagging habit to want to grow governments to unmanageable proportions, invading other…
The Sine Wave of History
Almost daily, someone (often a European or North American) comments to me that the world is falling apart. The government is becoming dictatorial, the people are becoming more socialistic and political correctness is no longer an option, it’s a mandate and you’d better get on board.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – April 12th, 2019
The U.K. received a reprieve from the constant pressure of coming up with a viable Brexit package this week when the EU gave it until October 31 to come up with a new plan. Conditions on the extension, however, mean that the U.K. must elect members to the European Parliament in May, or it will again be faced with the threat of a disorderly exit come June 1.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – April 5th, 2019
Brexit continues to be the top news story affecting volatility in all markets, followed by further apparent progress in the U.S.-China trade talks. President Trump now appears to be taking aim on Mexico as the next target of his tariffs, despite an economic agreement between the two countries earlier this year that has yet to be ratified.