An interview to Jeff Thomas, feature writer for Strategic Wealth Preservation, Doug Casey’s International Man and Bloated governments around the world are faced with worsening fiscal conditions. Strapped for cash, they continue to squeeze every drop of wealth that’s within their reach through money printing and higher taxes. Today, we ask Jeff Thomas to…
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Julio 18 de 2020.
“Los casos de Coronavirus en los estados meridionales de los Estados Unidos continúan aumentando. California tomó la decisión de cerrar su economía nuevamente…”
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 17th, 2020
As the world descends into further uncertainty amid a resurgence of coronavirus cases, investors appear to increasingly be turning to precious metals as a means to help diversify their portfolios against another potential crash in equity markets
Gold’s Highest Quarterly Close in History
As we move into the second half of 2020, gold is increasingly likely to serve as an effective and necessary hedge, particularly in light of the Fed’s dovish stance, ongoing geopolitical conflicts, and the risks associated with the recession, stock market volatility, and US election.
Say Hello to The Great Lockdown
Recently the IMF predicted that the situation is now worse than reported – “unlike anything the world has seen before.” and named it: “The Great Lockdown.”
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Julio 11 de 2020.
“Los casos de COVID-19 continúan en ascenso, en especial en los Estados Unidos, donde se estima que aproximadamente uno de cada 150 estadounidenses puede estar infectado con el coronavirus.”
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 10th, 2020
Virus cases continued to increase substantially, particularly in the U.S. and some experts now estimate that up to 1 in 150 Americans may now be infected with the coronavirus.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Julio 4 de 2020.
Los inversionistas han renovado su interés en los metales preciosos, en particular el oro y la plata, por ser considerarse «activos refugio» en tiempos de volatilidad e incertidumbre como los actuales.
Choosing the Wrong Future
In choosing a country in which to live, you are, to a great extent, choosing what your future is likely to be.
UPDATE: New Silver Supply Is Drying Up Faster Than Death Valley
The annual data for silver supply is in, and it shows that the structural decline in new supply for the silver market has strengthened.