In a macro cycle, a nation begins to thrive economically, when the people of that country adhere to a strong work ethic.
Like So Much Mulberry Bark
In 1260, Kublai Khan created the first unified fiat currency. The jiaochao was made from the inner layer of the bark of the mulberry tree. It’s of interest that the mulberry tree was quite common in Mongolia.
“Sound as a Dollar”
As always happens in a crisis period, the fiat currencies that have, until now, appeared to be sound, will sink dramatically and gold will once again rise to its intrinsic worth.
Currency Creation vs. Bullion Production: The Overwhelming Reason to Buy Gold & Silver Today
How does the Fed’s monthly currency creation of $120 billion compare to the value of monthly gold and silver production?
Offshore Gold Storage – A Look Inside the Cayman Vault
Strategic Wealth Preservation Cayman Islands vault represents a very good option for offshore gold storage in the Western Hemisphere.