Savvy investors continue to regard gold and silver as shields to protect their capital and diversify their portfolios.
Manufactured Uncertainty
Historically, the most effective means by which those who have caused the problem can not only get away with it but profit even more from the collapse is to create a distraction to take the focus away from themselves as the guilty parties.
Deciding When to Jump from the Boiling Pot
There’s an old saying that the way to boil a frog is to put him in a pot of cool water, then turn up the heat. He remains in the pot because there’s no single increase in temperature that’s startling enough to make him jump out.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – November 6th, 2020
Late Saturday morning, several news outlets called Joe Biden elected as President. Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes went to former Vice President Joe Biden
Travelers can work abroad in an island paradise – if they make $100,000+
Digital nomads can now work abroad in the Cayman Islands for up to two years if they make at least $100,000 a year.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 30th, 2020
Investors continue taking steps to ensure that their portfolios remain diversified against the current uncertainties, using physical precious metals for that very purpose.
Here’s Who Wins the November Election
There are a lot of ways this election could go, but let’s look at the three most likely outcomes, and the impact each might have on citizens and the markets.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 23rd, 2020
As politics around the world and ongoing worldwide health concerns continue to feed uncertainty, investors continue to regard precious metals, particularly gold and silver
Is There Hope for the US?
Throughout the history of the world, whenever a country had entered its decline stage, others were in the process of rising up.
Gold Hits All-Time Highs, Then Consolidates
As we move into the final quarter of this tumultuous year, gold is increasingly likely to serve as a hedge of absolute necessity…