El pánico se aceleró en todos los mercados esta semana conforme la propagación de COVID-19 en todo el mundo provocaba grandes ceses de actividades, cierres de negocios, e incluso, cierres fronterizos en la mayoría de los países.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – March 20th, 2020
Panic accelerated in all markets this week as the spread of COVID-19 around the globe forced massive shutdowns, business closures and even border closures across most countries.
Nine Meals from Anarchy
In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.”
Since then, his observation has been echoed by people as disparate as Robert Heinlein and Leon Trotsky.
Market Update – What’s Next for Gold and Silver?
I don’t generally comment on the markets unless I feel we’ve reached a critical point. My last communication with regards to the state of the market was back in September 2019 when I said that I believed we were entering the early stages of a precious metals bull market
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Marzo 13 de 2020
La caída en los mercados de valores se aceleró esta semana al tiempo que el pánico por la propagación de COVID-19 gana terreno en todo el mundo.
What’s Wrong with Silver?!
Mike Maloney has always said, silver is gold on steroids…
Silver can move 5% or more in a single day.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – March 13th, 2020
The slide in equity markets accelerated this week as the panic over the spread of COVID-19 truly set in across the globe.
Korea Reunified?
The arch spans the highway that connects North and South Korea, except that, as can be seen… there are almost no vehicles on that highway.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Marzo 6 de 2020
La mortandad en el mercado de valores continuó esta semana como consecuencia de la propagación del COVID-19. La volatilidad pareció aumentar en cada titular que informaba del virus.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – March 6th, 2020
The carnage in equity markets continued this week as the spread of COVID-19 expanded across the globe. Volatility seemed to surge on each new headline with regards to the virus.