During times of high inflation and both geopolitical and economic uncertainty, physical precious metals have seen a long history of retaining their value.
Tax Havens and the Greedy Rich
Additionally, the world is looking at large-scale, international economic collapse in the relatively near future. What part will this play in the OECD’s efforts?
Will Gold Fall When the Fed Raises Interest Rates?
That suggests investors make sure they own a meaningful amount of physical gold now.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – March 11th, 2022
Many such investors long ago began accumulating physical precious metals in their portfolios as part of their diversification plans.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – March 4th, 2022
Geopolitical and economic uncertainty should be expected to increase as the ramifications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine begin to be felt throughout the world.
The Next Empire
China, Russia, and the rest of the world, when faced with American threats and bluster, will not simply fold their tents and accept that the US must be obeyed.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – February 25th, 2022
Many analysts have returned to the viewpoint that a well-diversified investment portfolio should include an allocation of physical precious metals.
The Necessity of Human Action
The choice for each of us is whether we wish to climb on the bus with him, avoiding taking responsibility for our lives, but also being collateral damage if that bus goes off the road, or whether we choose to employ human action.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – February 18th, 2022
Physical precious metals have a long and storied history of being viewed as hedges against times of economic and geopolitical uncertainty.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – February 11th, 2022
Physical precious metals have a long and storied history as a hedge against inflation, times of geopolitical uncertainty, and times of economic uncertainty.