The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 7th, 2024.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 7th, 2024

Amid a lack of fresh, markets-moving news to start the trading week, the precious metals market traders are looking at the key “outside markets” that are leaning friendly for metals prices.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – April 21st, 2023

The Precious Metals Week in Review – April 21st, 2023

It is relatively common that what should be recognized as a warning flag of major trouble is often ignored until things get so bad that it is almost impossible not to notice.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 22nd, 2022.

The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 22nd, 2022

1. Market volatility continued this week as Russia’s onslaught against Ukraine raged on and central banks around the world shocked markets with unexpected rate moves. In the U.S., the West Coast port of Oakland has been virtually shut down as truckers protest California’s gig labor law, which classifies workers as employees and not independent contractors.…