Modern Monetary Theory: Economic absurdism enters the mainstream

Modern Monetary Theory: Economic absurdism enters the mainstream

After the Trump election victory, traditional, conventional politics and politicians have largely fallen out of favor. Middle-of-the-road ideas, proposals crossing party lines and common-ground platforms that once played a prominent role in many campaign playbooks have been replaced with a very different type of strategy.

Should Gold Investors Root fo Deflation?

Should Gold Investors Root for Deflation?

One of gold’s biggest catalysts throughout history has been inflation. Debase your currency enough and gold responds almost automatically. And the bigger the inflation, the bigger gold’s response. Even the fear of inflation ignites the gold price, like we saw from 2009 to 2011.

“Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas Anymore”

“Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas Anymore”

Recently, an American colleague commented to me, “We no longer live in a democracy but a dictatorship disguised as a democracy.”

Is he correct? Well, a dictatorship may be defined as “a form of government in which absolute authority is exercised by a dictator.”

The Precious Metals Week in Review - October 27, 2017 - Precious Metals International

The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 27, 2017

1. In the U.S., the drivers for market activity for the coming week are expected to be the much-discussed tax bill and the continued uncertainty over who will chair the Federal Reserve when Janet Yellen’s term ends in early 2018. Europe is expected to continue to be a geopolitical hotspot as Spain’s constitutional crisis deepens…