Rampant inflation and stock market corrections make a good case for holding balanced portfolios that include safe-haven investments.
Gold in 2020: Record Highs, With Catalysts Pointing to More
The most likely scenario for 2021 is one where gold continues to offer a meaningful and necessary hedge, along with the high probability of yet another set of record-high prices.
The Rise of Voodoo Economics
Whether it’s Modern Monetary Theory as a whole, or any of the plethora of programmes that ride on its coattails, such as the Green New Deal, quantitative easing, or the THRIVE agenda, around every corner there are new efforts that I regard as “Voodoo Economics.”
Is Price Inflation Guaranteed Now? These Two Charts Say Yes
Given the massive erosion in our monetary and fiscal state, we must consider the possibility that price inflation might not just be coming, but could kick in suddenly and rise rapidly.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – November 13th, 2020
Savvy investors continue to regard gold and silver as shields to protect their capital and diversify their portfolios.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – November 6th, 2020
Late Saturday morning, several news outlets called Joe Biden elected as President. Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes went to former Vice President Joe Biden
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 30th, 2020
Investors continue taking steps to ensure that their portfolios remain diversified against the current uncertainties, using physical precious metals for that very purpose.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – August 21st, 2020
Market volatility should be expected to remain at elevated levels as US politics shift into full madness mode ahead of the upcoming Presidential elections in November.
Gold’s Highest Quarterly Close in History
As we move into the second half of 2020, gold is increasingly likely to serve as an effective and necessary hedge, particularly in light of the Fed’s dovish stance, ongoing geopolitical conflicts, and the risks associated with the recession, stock market volatility, and US election.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 15th, 2020
The escalating tensions have many market analysts worried that the trade war between the U.S. and China which began before the outbreak could escalate into a full-scale and global event.