Now that it appears the virus is ebbing and things are slowly opening back up, let’s look at how our two favorite investments have fared so far this year. Did gold provide a hedge? How did metals perform against the stock market? And where is the better value now?
The Coronavirus Panic: It All Makes Complete Sense
Bill Gates has stated repeatedly that, “Things won’t go back to normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to, basically, the entire world.”
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Junio 6 de 2020.
Los bancos centrales siguen inyectando dinero fiduciario sin soporte en sus respectivos sistemas financieros, para combatir la devastación económica que causó la pandemia del coronavirus.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 5th, 2020
China has taken full advantage of the chaos in the U.S., using the footage of U.S. police trying to control the violence and looting in their own cities as justification for Beijing’s stance against, and treatment of, protestors in Hong Kong.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Mayo 30 de 2020.
Conforme más países comienzan a relajar las restricciones y hacen seguimiento a una posible segunda ola del brote, la incertidumbre alrededor de la COVID-19 continúa.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 29th, 2020
COVID-19 continues to generate uncertainty however as more countries begin easing their lockdowns and undertake monitoring for a potential wave of secondary outbreaks.
How Would Gold Perform In a Second Stock Market Crash?
In the stock market’s four worst bear markets, ones that included a major second leg down, the gold price has risen every time.
Could it happen again?
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Mayo 23 de 2020.
Conforme los estados reanudan la provisión normal de bienes y servicios, los funcionarios de la salud observan con inquietud las estadísticas para determinar si una segunda ola de infección de COVID-19 podría estar en ciernes.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – May 22nd, 2020
“Even as businesses see a resumption in customer traffic, many in the U.S. appear to be having trouble getting their employees to come back to work.”
Weekly Precious Metals Update – May 22nd, 2020
The gold price is up another 2% since my last update on May 1st, trading today at $1736/oz USD. Analysts are making bullish predictions for the price almost daily and the ETF inflows have been net positive for the last 20 trading sessions.