Savvy investors, watching these same inflation levels climb, continue to acquire physical precious metals, keeping in mind the long-term nature of their ownership, for the purpose of building a well-diversified portfolio.
While We Wait on Silver & Gold, Do This
History says the next upsurge in gold and silver is coming. The research clearly shows it is a when question, not if.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – August 27th, 2021
As businesses prepare to face a possible dwindle in consumption, many investors continue purchasing physical precious metals to shield their portfolios from inflation.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – August 20th, 2021
As businesses prepare for the eventuality of new restrictions and shutdowns, many investors continue purchasing physical precious metals to shield their portfolios from inflation.
How Long Till the Next Silver Spike? This Data from History Gives Us a Clue
How Long Till the Next Silver Spike? This Data from History Gives Us a Clue.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – August 13th, 2021
As businesses prepare for the eventuality of new restrictions and shutdowns, many investors continue purchasing physical precious metals to shield their portfolios from inflation
“The Bank Was Saved, and the People Were Ruined.”
History shows us that the present situation is not an accident. It is the repetition of a very successful method by which bankers, with the complicity of governments, create boom-and-bust cycles.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – August 6th, 2021
As businesses prepare for the eventuality of new restrictions and shutdowns, many investors continue purchasing physical precious metals to shield their portfolios from inflation.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 30th, 2021
According to preliminary data released by Statistics Canada on Friday, the economy could have grown in the second quarter of the year after declining 0.5% in April and 0.3% in May
A Question of Timing
Once the warning signs begin to appear, it’s important to remember that, historically, the process never reverses itself. An apathetic population is not one that will suddenly decide to roll up its sleeves and get the country, once again, on a productive footing.