As the world descends into further uncertainty amid a resurgence of coronavirus cases, investors appear to increasingly be turning to precious metals as a means to help diversify their portfolios against another potential crash in equity markets
Say Hello to The Great Lockdown
Recently the IMF predicted that the situation is now worse than reported – “unlike anything the world has seen before.” and named it: “The Great Lockdown.”
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 10th, 2020
Virus cases continued to increase substantially, particularly in the U.S. and some experts now estimate that up to 1 in 150 Americans may now be infected with the coronavirus.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Julio 4 de 2020.
Los inversionistas han renovado su interés en los metales preciosos, en particular el oro y la plata, por ser considerarse «activos refugio» en tiempos de volatilidad e incertidumbre como los actuales.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 3rd, 2020
Precious metals, particularly Gold and Silver have picked up renewed interest from investors who are seeking safe-haven assets for their capital as volatility and uncertainty remain elevated around the world.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Junio 27 de 2020.
Esta semana, los casos de coronavirus continuaron aumentando sustancialmente en los Estados Unidos, en especial, en los estados que han reabierto su comercio casi por completo.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 26th, 2020
China is still seeing increasing numbers of cases, but the pace of new infections seems to be slowing and the government claims that the situation there is largely under control.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Junio 20 de 2020.
En China, el virus repuntó en un mercado local de Pekín y, supuestamente, el salmón importado que allí se vende es el foco del virus, lo que despertó preocupación sobre la posibilidad de que los alimentos sean vectores del Coronavirus.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 19th, 2020
New coronavirus cases have continued to climb in the U.S. in the wake of massive protests and the reopening of some of the more southern states.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Junio 13 de 2020.
“Las protestas desencadenadas por la muerte de George Floyd, a manos de la policía de Mineápolis a principios de este mes, continuaron en los Estados Unidos esta semana. Las protestas parecen haber evolucionado hasta convertirse en una mezcla desorganizada y caótica de grupos…”