Increasing inflation and stock market corrections make a good case for holding balanced portfolios that include safe-haven investments.
The Blind Leading the Clueless
We must be prepared to study our leaders’ actions, to be prepared to be contrarian and, most importantly, to question everything.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 2nd, 2021
As governments lift restrictions and demand for goods and services regain momentum, many investors continue purchasing physical precious metals to shield their portfolios from inflation.
The Fiat Free-For-All: Currency Creation vs. Gold and Silver Production
It takes only a rudimentary understanding of economics to know that the more you create of something, the less valuable it becomes
The American Republikflucht
Republikflucht was the term given to those who sought to leave the GDR. It’s significant that the translation into English is “desertion from the republic.”
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 25th, 2021
The disconnect between the economy and the equity market seems to continue as the economic recovery pace appears to have slowed down amid news of stock market rallies.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 18th, 2021
Rampant inflation and stock market corrections make a good case for holding balanced portfolios that include safe-haven investments.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 11th, 2021
1. Despite May’s inflation report exceeding economists’ expectations, the week ended on a high note with a second weekly unemployment insurance report with less than 400,000 claims and a new low. The stream of good news started on Monday when the U.S. the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported it had seized more than half of…
Basel III is Coming, and That’s Bullish for Gold
The new Net Stable Funding Requirement (NSFR) rules under Basel III for gold come into force at the end of this month.
The Freedom Fairy
“the most natural tendency seems to be to irrationally hope that the Freedom Fairy will come along, wave the magic wand, and send the country back to a time when most everyone worked for a living”