The coming train wreck is no accident. It has long been planned. That the “smart fellows in charge” will somehow save the day is therefore a vain hope indeed.
The Writing on the Wall
When the writing is on the wall that “the society is doomed”, most people invariably stick it out where they are, hoping either that “things will get better”, or, at least that, “It won’t get too much worse.”
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 29th, 2021
Investors continue to make efforts to ensure that their portfolios are diversified to help insulate them from sudden shocks in any single market or sector.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 22nd, 2021
Savvy investors have continued to seek out ways to ensure that their portfolios remain diversified against unforeseen plunges in other markets.
Gold in Q3: Rising Yields Pressure the Metal, But Catalysts Loom
After rebounding in Q2, the gold price succumbed to the pressure of sharply rising Treasury yields in Q3, when the Fed began talking about tapering asset purchases
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 15th, 2021
Seeking to avoid overexposure to any single sector of the equity markets, many investors have returned to acquiring physical precious metals as price dips have allowed them to do so at a relative discount.
Going the way of the Denarius
Modern governments have a tendency to make precisely the same mistakes with regard to currencies.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 8th, 2021
Savvy investors, continue to seek to diversify their portfolios to prevent overexposure to equity markets, or any one specific sector.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 1st, 2021
Stocks and precious metals both saw high volatility in their respective markets this week as analysts and investors alike tried to assess the impact China’s ongoing woes might have for the long term.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – September 24th, 2021
Supply chain disruptions and the apparent desire for world governments to embark on endless spending sprees are keeping inflation concerns front and center for most investors.