As we pass the halfway mark of what has been a record-setting year, volatility and uncertainty continue across all markets.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – July 10th, 2020
Virus cases continued to increase substantially, particularly in the U.S. and some experts now estimate that up to 1 in 150 Americans may now be infected with the coronavirus.
Resumen de la Semana en Metales Preciosos – Junio 20 de 2020.
En China, el virus repuntó en un mercado local de Pekín y, supuestamente, el salmón importado que allí se vende es el foco del virus, lo que despertó preocupación sobre la posibilidad de que los alimentos sean vectores del Coronavirus.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – June 12th, 2020
Market volatility has increased amid fears that the U.S. consumer may be forced back into hiding as the virus shows signs of an increasing its spread again.