In 1759, Scotsman Adam Smith, who is widely regarded as the world’s first true economist, published his first great work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. In it, he postulated that all social evolution can be attributed to “individual human action,” as opposed to “individual human design.”
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 18th, 2019
Hopes that were lifted after last week’s “phase one” deal was worked out between U.S. and Chinese officials as markets were closing on Friday did not remain elevated as the week began.
This Millionaire Technical Analyst Says This about Gold Right Now
We don’t employ technical analysis that much, one reason being we’re buying gold and silver for what we believe will be a major shift in our markets, economy and currency.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 11th, 2019
The ongoing trade dispute between the U.S. and China remained the main focus for mainstream media outlets this week.
Following the Greater Depression on eBay
Careful research into an economy can result in a relatively accurate prognostication, the timing is always the most difficult aspect to pinpoint.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – October 4th, 2019
1. The political pressure against President Trump continued to escalate as the impeachment inquiry got underway this week. The entire inquiry appears to be based around whether Trump pressured Ukraine’s president to conduct an investigation into the Biden family and Trump doubled down this week when he said, during a televised interview with reporters as…
These Gold Investors Got Your Back, Jack
It happened with little fanfare, with virtually no reporting by the mainstream press. But this development signaled that one of the biggest gold-buying entities sees a growing need to own gold right now.
Infectious Insanity
In any country, during prosperous times, the great majority of people go to work each day with the understanding that productivity results in an improved life. Even for those of humble means, the existence of prosperity around them is a daily assurance that, if you work hard and/or work smart, your life will steadily improve.
The Precious Metals Week in Review – September 27th, 2019
The trade dispute between the U.S. and China took a new turn this week as the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives announced this week that it was opening a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump over alleged abuse of power surrounding a phone call he made to the President of Ukraine back in July.
Will the US Become a Socialist Country?
Recently, many political hopefuls on the Left in the US have “come out” as socialists. Some may have been socialists all along, whilst others may merely be hoping to cash in on the popularity of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders in 2016.