Gold in 2022: A Year of Tumult, But Most Precious Metals Were Buoyant

Gold in 2022: A Year of Tumult, But Most Precious Metals Were Buoyant

By Jeff Clark, Senior Analyst, GoldSilver, and Adviser for Strategic Wealth Preservation War! Inflation! Rate hikes! Crashing cryptos! Sinking stock markets! A soaring US dollar and hints of recession all highlighted a tumultuous 2022. Despite several headwinds and confusion over gold’s weakness in the face of high inflation, the price ended the year basically flat,…

Taxation = Theft. An article by Jeff Thomas.

Taxation = Theft

By Jeff Thomas, featured writer for Strategic Wealth Preservation, Doug Casey’s International Man and 321gold.com Theft is defined as “the taking of another person’s property or services without that person’s permission or consent.” Almost invariably, governments pass tax laws and set tax rates without any consultation with the citizenry. Further, no final approval is sought…

The Precious Metals Week in Review – January 6th, 2023

The Precious Metals Week in Review – January 6th, 2023

1. Happy New Year! And to start off this New Year we have the International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva warning that the global economy faces “a tough year, tougher than the year we leave behind. We expect one-third of the world economy to be in recession,” Georgieva said in an interview aired on…