For millennia, political leaders have been in the practice of altering, confusing and even obliterating the truth, when possible.
An Empire Self-Destructs
An Empire Self-Destructs.
Article by: Jeff Thomas.
Falling from Grace
The US has reached the classic stage when it has become a reckless bully and its support structure of allies has begun to de-couple as a result.
Capitalism Has Failed
Capitalism Has Failed.
Article by Jeff Thomas.
How Close Should Your Wealth Be?
Recently, an eminent gold adviser whom I know and have a high regard for, stated that holders of precious metals would be well-served by keeping their metals in a remote location, saying, “distance equals security.” (He lives in the US and recommends storage in New Zealand, as it’s as far away from him as possible.)
The Sandcastle
The Sandcastle – An article by: Jeff Thomas.
The Brain Drain
Once a brain drain has occurred, that country is likely to slide into the doldrums, for a generation, and, as history has shown, often for much longer.
Getting back to An End to Progress, if the first theory is the accurate one, it would seem that the present pattern of decline would be due to a battle between good and evil
Fasten Seat Belt
Imagine that you’re in mid-flight on a passenger jet and the captain flies directly into a Category Five hurricane.
The Future of Direct Taxation
The image above may be considered by some as unfair, as it suggests that a direct taxation is a form of robbery.