The downsizing of food packaging is more than just a cost-cutting measure—it’s a warning sign of deeper issues within the food industry. With inflation rising and supply chains weakening, the entire food system is running out of room to maneuver. As supermarket shelves continue to shrink, we may face more severe consequences, including potential food shortages and even famine. Learn how these trends could affect your food security and what this means for the future.
Kite in a Tree
This article explores the recurring patterns of mistakes in investing and life, using the metaphor of flying a kite among trees.
Three Strikes – You’re Out!
In the nineteenth century, the Americans invented a new sport – baseball. At one time thought of by us Britons as a sort of “poor man’s cricket,” baseball eventually became an international sport and, at this point, in virtually any country in the world, the exclamation, “Three strikes – you’re out,” means to all and…
The Cycle of Freedom
Alexander Tytler’s theory on the cyclical nature of democracy outlines how nations progress from bondage to liberty and eventually back to dependency and bondage. This Freedom Cycle, driven by human nature, suggests that no country can escape this inevitable fate.
The Retention of Wealth
In turbulent economic times, retaining wealth becomes paramount. Precious metals and overseas real estate emerge as safe havens to preserve value. As governments grapple with economic challenges, investors should consider jurisdictions with minimal taxation and legal interference to safeguard their assets.
The Sky is Falling
Governments are in the flim-flam business. Pared down to the bare essentials, governments can be very useful in passing and enforcing a small number of very basic laws.
The Twilight Zone
The present state of affairs seems like an episode of The Twilight Zone, with the unfortunate twist that this is not a television show; it’s an artificially delayed reality.
The Coming of the Roman Tax Collectors
Jeff Thomas’s article parallels the decline of the Roman Empire with current economic trends. He highlights how excessive taxation and government spending led to economic migration and deterioration in Rome. The same issues, he argues, are evident today with increasing entitlements, debt, and restrictions. Early exiters from these systems typically fare better.
The Frogs Will Boil Themselves
Jeff Thomas’ article uses the “boiling frog” fable to illustrate how gradual removal of freedoms through media campaigns can lead Americans to willingly diminish their own rights, particularly regarding the Second Amendment. He warns that manipulating public opinion could ultimately result in a Constitutional Review that would undermine the Constitution and increase government power.
Obeisance to the “Greater Good”
Most people in the West are familiar with the Biblical story of Moses. In this tale, a spiritual leader, chosen by God, leads his people out of Egypt to the promised land.