By Jeff Thomas,
featured writer for Strategic Wealth Preservation, Doug Casey’s International Man and

In a previous article, Will Globalism Succeed, I described the likelihood of the success of the globalist plan to take over the world.

What Would Be the Aftermath of a Globalist Failure?
What Would Be the Aftermath of a Globalist Failure? An article by: Jeff Thomas.

My take on the question is that the plan will fail.

But why should that be? Well, let’s have a look at it.

First, we should recognize that, in any society, roughly 4% of all people are sociopathic and 1% are likely to be psychopathic. I won’t go into the definitions of these two terms, but the primary symptoms of both are as follows:

· Lack of empathy for others.

· Impulsive behavior.

· Attempting to control others with threats or aggression.

· Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others.

· Not learning from mistakes or punishment.

· Lying for personal gain.

· Showing a compulsion for physical violence

Sociopaths always rise to populate governments during periods when the people have become affluent, then complacent. This has been in play in the First World for quite a while, and its governments (the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand) are now infested with sociopaths. But in spite of the success in the First World by the globalists to create dominance over their minions, they’ve been rather unsuccessful at roping in other nations. The Third World nations have sought to benefit from First World goods and technologies whilst otherwise seeking to be left alone. They fear the globalists but don’t wish to join them.

The Second World is a different matter. China and Russia, in particular, have been wooed by the globalists, but the seat at the table that they’ve been offered has been far too small to attract them to join as lesser partners.

Russia and China have instead joined together in an otherwise unlikely partnership and have expanded that partnership to increasingly includes Third World countries.

It’s important to note that, at present, the world, as a whole, is largely sitting on the fence, fearful of the globalists but sure in the knowledge that the West will soon self-destruct. Their collective goal is to avoid conflict as much as possible until this occurs.

But why do they take this position?

Well, since the Second World has not jumped on board, the globalists have set about creating total dominance over their own nations – to fully subjugate their peoples and create a new form of serfdom. The new serf will have a smartphone and a flat-screen TV, but he will nevertheless be a serf.

In order to achieve this, the globalists have created massive and growing debt, the destruction of morality and faith, the destruction of the family unit, the destruction of personal ambition within the populace, and unnecessary and costly warfare.

A collapse of the First World nations is sure to follow.

But why is this of interest to the Second World?

Well, the concept that the globalists have been following is that once their people are totally subjugated, they will then take on the rest of the world.

Now, let’s say that they attempted this several decades earlier. Had they made a move on China in the late 1970s when the Mao era came to an end, they might have had considerable success. Similarly, had they sought to economically keep a lid on Russia immediately after the Soviet collapse in 1991, they also might have been successful.

But now it’s a different story. Economically, the future has never been brighter for both Russia and China. Western sanctions have backfired, and the world is now moving in an Asian direction. Russia is supplying resources, China is supplying manufactured goods, and they’re leading the world in doing so.

The US has made the monumental error of confiscating private Russian assets in order to thumb its nose at Russia – a tactic that has the rest of the world recoiling in the fear that they could be next.

To be sure, the world still fears the wrath of the US, but this is taking second place to a choice of business partners, and the world is quietly moving away from the Western cabal of countries.

So, that’s where we are now. What about the future?

The globalist cabal is broken. Their debt is beyond what can ever be repaid. They’re surviving only on past laurels. Should they attack China as they’re now threatening to do, they’ll not only be cut off from the country that feeds them with essential products, they’ll also trigger a dumping of US debt back into the US.

That would collapse the dollar. And we should bear in mind that a US without purchasing power is a US with no other power. It has long-since ceased producing goods. A cessation of Asian product importation would create a collapse of commerce, leading to dramatic unemployment in a country where unemployment is already rising. And a people who are quite lazy and entitled, not wishing to rise to the need.

This is not a population that is able to suddenly roll up its sleeves and rebuild a collapsed economy.

With an inability to sell debt to other countries, the US would need to turn inward for revenue. Tax levels would skyrocket, but revenue would plummet. The US will no longer be able to fund its many agencies, much less carry on warfare. And indeed, its antiquated systems would be incapable of any serious level of aggression.

And at this point, we might want to have a second look at the list of traits above. Such traits mean that those in charge will be highly self-centered, with grandiose plans that are not well thought-out. They’ll assume beyond reason that they’ll succeed. They’ll have no compassion for the damage they’ve done, leading to worldwide scorn.

The US will not merely self-destruct, it will do so to such a great degree that it will not be able to pose a problem to the rest of the world.

Internal collapse may arguably be a good way to introduce a totalitarian rule to the US, but it’s not a viable means to remain a global leader afterward.

And even smaller countries that had previously been subjugated by the US will happily kick it once it’s down.

These conditions suggest that the US would be likely to slide into an extended collectivist slumber that might last a generation or more.

But history hates a vacuum. Historically, when an empire dies, the space it has left is quickly taken up. The opportunities created by the vacuum cause the remainder of the world to dive in and take the spoils… and the future.

The globalists have, at best, until the end of the decade before they’ve completed their self-destruction. By that time, the rest of the world will already be cutting up the pie.

If this supposition is correct, we shall see the leaders – Russia, China, India, Brazil, Iran, and others come to the fore in new alliances. As before, much of the Third World countries will remain bit players but under new masters.

But, as in the case of any empire, the world shall continue. Our task is, therefore to understand it and to secure our own place in it.

Along the way, Russia and China are likely to expand into empires, but this will be a long process. In the interim years, there will be an increased opportunity and very possibly greater freedoms. All that will change will be the geographic locations of wealth and opportunity.

Jeff Thomas
International Man and Strategic Wealth Preservation

This article was originally posted in the Strategic Wealth Preservation Blog and copied here with the permission of the author.

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